Tuesday 18 September 2012

Review: Adele '21', written by Cassandra Mawete

The British Grammy and Brit award winner Adele certainly isn’t “Rolling in the Deep” thanks to her many successes in taking home 47 awards for her soul trembling vocals since 2009. Released on the 19th January 2011, her album ‘21’ – so named because of her age at the time - captures her love for music influenced by the heavy beat and slow tempo of Motown and folk music. Compared to her last album 19, reciting her relationship turmoil’s in melancholy tones, her latest work is notably more upbeat with liberating songs giving women in heart breaking relationships hope; particularly with the Motown soul type song ‘Rolling in the deep’ giving the album edge and spark.

The album was exquisitely blended with various sounds and surprisingly, in ‘One and only’ her voice was shamelessly the centre of attention carried with an obvious jazz soul and gospel influence which I found touching, complimented by the inspirational lyrics which seem to speak out to you. This album can give women courage, however ‘Take it all’ could be considered a ‘downer’ giving the impression that Adele has ‘given up’ which I don’t believe fitted particularly well with the rest of the material. ‘21’ is different to the way she has previously produced her music, and also includes a Spanish influenced poetic lullaby with a sensual beat - ‘Love song’ including a guitar solo - very different from the songs Adele fans are used to hearing from her.

After the lasting impression of the best solo performance awarded song ‘Someone like you’, I’d definitely give this album 5stars. Her album shows the ugly truth of love which may relate to women more than men but is fantastic none the less. Contrasting Adele’s previous styles – ‘21’ is a liberating and healing album for women battling emotional difficulties.

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