Tuesday 18 September 2012

Feature: Are we influenced by Hollister models? Written by Peggy Kapinga

Hollister – the well-known clothing store launched by Abercrombie and Fitch, specializes in casual clothing for young adults. What makes them unique is their dedication to designing and producing the highest quality SoCal* inspired clothing; they continue to create such clothing and remain to be ranked in top choice for teens.

Hollister Models work on the shop floor and their role is to meet and greet with the stores customers, they are responsible for keeping their assigned rooms presentable and assisting customers when needed as well as wearing and promoting the branded clothing.

In my opinion many young adults are attracted to Hollister because of their overwhelming desire to feel attractive and beautiful. Young models with rock hard abs and slim bodies send these kinds of messages to teens by promoting an ‘ideal look’. The customers within the shops are surrounded by advertisements which convey ideas of beauty, desire and seductiveness – emphasising the look endorsed by in store models.

Young adults tend to compare themselves to the models, they often feel they need change themselves to fit the ‘ideal’ of being slim and conventionally beautiful to be accepted, leaving the customer to become sensitive about their body, dissatisfied and attempting to equal the image encouraged by Hollister. 
I interview a Hollister model, questioning him about his role and opinion on the brand:

What is your role as a Hollister Model?
“Stand around and model the clothes”
How were you able to become a Hollister Model?
“I personally got recruited, that’s how most of us get the job”
As a Hollister Model what are the requirements? 
“Hmmm it’s such a misconception that you have to be good looking you have to fit the Hollister clothing, for males it would be tall, athletic build and defined bone structure”
Having become a Hollister Model has it changed the way you see yourself and would you say you are more careful about what you eat and see yourself?
“Yes 100% I feel like I need to improve myself all the time as I’m constantly being scrutinized by managers and I feel like I have a reputation to live up to.”
What do you enjoy about being a Hollister Model?
“I used to enjoy it because of old colleagues but they have left so now I hate it, at the end of the day Hollister “Models” are mere corporate tools”
Would you say Hollister Models have influenced a lot of young adults?
“Hmm I think everything influences you in a good and bad way, but I feel that people who shop at Hollister feel more confident as they are given an almost temporary identity.
Many people may think Hollister influence’s young adults positively, perhaps by inspiring future models and encouraging people to eat healthy and keep fit. However others may disagree and argue that they are bad influence; judging you based on aesthetics rather than your qualities as an employee – an opinion I personally lean further towards.
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