Wednesday 12 September 2012

Opinion: Once in a Life Time

I find it quite sad that in today’s world if you were to ask a group of teenagers if they were virgins the sad possibility is that the majority would say no; either out of honesty or embarrassment at the idea that being a virgin is simply not cool. Both boys and girls feel pressured by today’s society to engage in sexual activities however, your virginity is something which should be treasured. As women it is one of the only things we can ever say is truly our own so why are we so quick to give it away? Is it the pressure of explicit sex scenes on TV and wanting to recreate them, or the fact that as our hormones whizz round our body’s, sex is all we are compelled to think about? I would also like to question the price at which we give our virginity away as bragging about loosing your virginity is not as glamorous and popularity enhancing as it seems. As a girl if you lose it too early you are branded with terms such as whore, slag or other hurtful terms where boys are often glorified and seen as popular amongst their friends. The idea of valuing your virginity, however, applies to boys as well; you shouldn't simply ‘bang any chick’ that gives you attention but should make sure that she’s the right girl for you. Not only will it heighten pleasure but you won’t end up regretting it in future. If you’re going to do it then do it safely and make it special. Over summer 2012 many would have thought about sex on the beach and one night stands but is it really worth it? We’re all growing up and the idea that sex should be careless and insignificant is ‘overrated’ because at the end of the day you should respect yourself so much more than that. We all have the ability to say ‘no’ and waiting, in my opinion, makes it so much more worthwhile.
Words by Krystal Atkinson

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